It's all about the sound quality!


The truth is no one will watch a video with poor sound quality. Bad sound quality is worse than bad image quality.  So here are my top 4 tips to recording a video with good quality sound. 

  1.  Invest in a decent microphone.  I recommend a PowerDeWise mic.  You can get it for under $23 on Amazon.
  2. Position the microphone correctly.  It's important not to have the mic too far away or too close.
  3. Minimize background noise.  Don't record a video in a construction zone or where someone is playing loud music.
  4. Speak clearly. The best way to speak clear is to slow down. 

So I hope these tips help you and if there is anything I can do to help you make better videos let me know.

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The One Thing


The one thing you need to know to crush it this year in your social media.

There is no magic bullet or pill.

What's important is you engaging in community on social media!

You are not going to get customers by always putting up the buy me button.

You need to create relationships online and that is the most important thing.

How do you do that?  You do that by giving!

Post relevant content, I've been saying this all last year.

You have to share with people that they can actually use something in their own businesses

or their own personal life.

So for this week I want to challenge you to start engaging more with your community.

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